Better automations, improved contacts and login notifications
It's time for another changelog. We've been real busy making Wobaka more efficient and easy to use while keeping all things nice and simple.
Let me tell you what we've been up to the past month. It's a long list, and I hope you'll enjoy it! 😊
Automation timezones
We've added a timezone option to automations. It's now super easy to make sure your emails arrive at the right time to your contacts. By default Wobaka will send emails based on your user timezone, which you can change on the settings page.
Have a list of contacts from New York but work from Paris? No problem. Just create an automation with New York timezone and you're good to go! 🌎

Copy email templates, automations and automation steps
We've made it even easier to work with email templates and automations in Wobaka. Now you can easily copy templates, automations and steps, with just a click.
💌 Copy email templates to make variants of an email. For example to create different versions for different types of contacts.
📊 Use automation copy to easily create variations of an email campaign and measure which performs best.
⚡️ Copy automation steps to create follow-up emails based on a previous email step. This is a huge time saver!
Here's a little demo on how you can easily copy automation steps when working on your campaigns.
Contact relations
Wobaka automagically relates contacts based on things like email domain and company name so you don't have to create complex hierarchies in your system.
You can now manually create contact relations too. This makes it easy to relate contacts on different companies put perhaps working for the same brand etc.

Login notification
You will now get login notifications by email on new logins to your account. This will help keep your account even more secure.
Load more contacts quicker
We've made some improvements to contact loading which will let you load more contacts, faster.
Better task reschedule on contact page
You can now click on a task's due date and quickly reschedule it on the contact page.
We're only getting started
I hope you'll enjoy these improvements and that Wobaka is a joy for you to use!
We're only getting started but our promise to keep things simple stands. We'll focus on making things simple and efficient, not on blog editors, website builders or 100s of other features you don't need 🍻.