Brand new analytics

Brand new analytics

We're super happy to announce our brand new analytics feature. It was about time, as the previous analytics had been with us since the first launch of Wobaka. Now you can see things like sales velocity, analyze your funnel and view team activity. We've focused on important metrics and left out the bloat. Read more below ✨.

🚴‍♂️ Sales velocity and funnel analytics

Sales velocity and funnel analytics allows you to easily see how long time opportunities stay in each stage and where they drop off.

Pipeline analytics and contacts overview
Pipeline analytics and contacts overview

🚀 Contacts growth and distribution

Another important measurement for your CRM is the number of contacts which are added to the system. Wobaka now makes it super easy to follow your growth for a set period of time. You can also see a snapshot of how many contacts are in each status for any time period.

⚡️ User and team activity

We've made it super easy to see activity and progress for users. See how many contacts you're creating, messages sent, tasks completed, opportuninities created and more. You also get a comparison with the previous period.

Team activity report
Team activity report

🗓️ Shareable reports with flexible dates and filters

Tune in and check your analytics for any time interval. First quarter of last year? No problem. Last week? No problem either. It's all up to you. You can also share the report with your team by just copy/pasting the URL.

And of course it all works with dark mode too. This is what the full report looks like.

Full analytics report in dark mode
Full analytics report in dark mode

🔮 What's next?

We've got some great things cooking and can't wait to share it with you. What do you think we should work on next? Send me an email on [email protected].