Email Tracking and Improved Contacts View
I'm super excited to share our latest features with you. We've recently made the contacts view much better and added a detailed view to it. Today we also shipped email tracking. You can read more about each feature below.
👀 Email tracking
Email tracking allows you to see when contacts open your email. This gives you better insights into how your email outreach is performing. We've also added a performance dashboard to your automations that shows important metrics such as total contacts, open rate and reply rate. The contact list also shows when each contact last opened your email.

You can also see if a contact has opened an email in the contact feed. Just look for the green open envelope icon.

If you don't want to track email opens, you can always opt-out. All your current automations have tracking turned off, so you'll have to enable it to start tracking.

⚡️ Improved contact list
Each row in the contact list now shows if the contact has any emails, notes, tasks, opportunities or automations. You can also see if there are any active tasks or running automations. This is indicated by a colored icon.
We're also working on automatically nudging you when a contact has had no activity for a while. We had this feature when we launched back in 2019 but removed it. Now we're making it better and bringing it back!

🌮 Detailed contact list
You can now toggle between compact and detailed contact rows in the contacts view. The detailed view will show more information such as tags on each contact. Watch this space as we'll definitely add more information in this viewing mode later on.

🔮 What's next?
That's it for now, but we're only getting started. What do you think we should work on next? As always, we'd love to hear what's important to you. Send me an email on [email protected] 😊