Introducing mentions, and more!

Introducing mentions, and more!

We recently added the Logbook to make it easy to stay on top of things. We're now excited to announce mentions, making team communication sooo much better. And that's not all, we've also made improvements to statuses, pipelines and more.

Keep reading for details, or head over to Wobaka and try it out yourself.

💬 Mentions in notes

You can now mention teammates in notes. Just hit @ and select a person. They will be notified in their Logbook, and also in their daily digest email.

This makes it butter smooth to do things like "Hey @John, can you take a look at this lead?" or "@Julia, did you contact him yesterday".

Mention a teammate

📚 Change order of statuses and pipelines

Requested by many of you and now finally in place. You can change the order of your statuses and pipelines. You're also finally allowed to change your default pipeline.

You can find these options on the Settings page and need to be the manager of your account to make changes. Have at it!

🍦 And more!

We've also made a bunch of fixes and improvements to our architecture so the app should be running faster now. Performance is important to us, so we'll always be working to make things run nicely for you.

Summer is just around the corner here in Sweden and my fingers are crossed for some decent weather. We've also got a bunch of exciting things to work on, so I'm really looking forward to it. I'd love to hear what you think we should work on next? Let me know by sending an email to fredrik at wobaka dot com.

Have an amazing summer! ☀️🤿