Scheduled automations, custom merge tags, new navigation and better email formatting
We've got a lot to show to you in this changelog, and there's even more to come. Yesterday we've added a way to schedule automations, and just a few weeks ago, we made it possible to use custom attributes as merge tags in emails. We've also made some improvements to formatting, so emails look better in the contact feed. Read more below for details ☕️.
🗓️ Scheduled automations

Scheduled automations makes it super smooth to start an automation directly, in 15 minutes, later today, tomorrow, next week or at a custom date. Whatever you prefer. It's great for late night or early morning work sessions when you don't want to send emails immediately.
It's also a nice way to just schedule a sequence for later. For instance, when a user's free trial ends, when you're launching something new and want to let your customer know or maybe schedule a follow up sequence. Whatever your case is, we hope you'll like this addition.
💌 Custom merge tags
We're big on personalizing emails on Wobaka. From the start we added the possibility to customize emails before they are sent on each contact by just clicking edit in the contact feed. Now we're making it even easier to add personalizations such as a fully customized first line by using custom attributes.
You can setup whatever attribute you want on a contact and reference it in emails like {{contact.custom.first-line}}
where first-line
is the attribute name.
You can even include fallbacks so that if the attribute doesn't exist, it will use that text instead. You can add a fallback like this {{contact.custom.first-line|This is the default line}}
👀 New navigation
We've made some updates to the navigation which makes it easier to find and jump to popular features more easily.

🍿 Better email formatting
Spaces and line breaks now look better in the contact feed. This makes it easier to read emails, especially for longer texts.
🚀 Coming up
Brand new analytics feature is in the works. We're doing a total remake of all analytics and look forward to show it to you soon. ✨