Automation contact filters and better pipeline stages
This week I'm excited to let you know about brand new automation filters that will help you stay on top of things and some new and shiny updates to pipeline stages. Keep reading for more details ✨.
⚡️ Automation contact filters
You can now filter and search for contacts on the automation page. This makes it super easy to see which contacts have opened or clicked a link in your email. You can also filter by status to see things like who has replied and which contacts the automation is still running on.

💰 Brand new pipeline stages
Pipeline stage shave got a brand new look to make it work better with multiple currencies and different deal values like monthly, yearly and one-time. You'll now see an annualized value in your default currency and can toggle to get a more detailed report.
I've also written about the design process for this feature in our backstage section. If you're interested, check out this post.
🚀 What's next?
You tell me! I've got some exciting things coming up, but I'm also interested in what you think I should work on next? Send me an email on [email protected].